2nd Jun 2020

June 2020 Maintenance

Complete the repair and maintenance work started in May.

Mowing frequency can be increased to every two days under good conditions and at least weekly.

Irrigation is vital under hot and dry conditions when water loss is high, especially on repaired areas.  Water penetration aids such as Ultraflow Advance aid percolation through the sod and soil encouraging effective deep rooting.  Ultraflow Advance can significantly reduce the overall water gift and cost by achieving an overall excellent water entry to the turf without the need to over-water.  Deeper rooting ensures a deeper, larger area of water capture by the roots with greater drought resistance.

Continue to apply VitaSil monthly to harden blades and encourage upright growth for a clean cut, and regulate water within the turf as temperature increases.  Continued application of VitaKelp will aid enzyme activity in the turf and boost micro-organism activity in the organic layer helping to reduce debris build up.  Amino-sorb F will aid seedling growth, deep rooting and stress resistance in the turf as we go into the warmer period.  Enhance Outfield 15-2-6 + TE at 20g/m2 will provide immediate and slow release organic nutrients, including all trace elements. Later in the month switch to Enhance Outfield 5-0-10 + TE with lower N and higher K to firm growth through the hot June and July period.  Fortnightly application of SwardPhite will meet the turf’s immediate P needs and aid natural systemic disease resistance and promote root and crown strength.  

Liquid fertiliser offers easy application of foliar or root-zone delivered nutrients without surface granules on the pitch in dry conditions.  Vitax Enhance F liquid feeds are available in a range of analyses to meet all liquid fertiliser needs.

Fortnightly verticutting or grooming will reduce organic build up and maintain aeration of the sub-surface zone.  Light aeration once during the month will maintain gas exchange and aid water penetration.

June summary:

• Mow height 25mm to 35mm (take care with re-seeded areas, do not cut below 30mm)

SwardPhite and Amino-sorb F to improve seedling growth and root depth. 

• Application of VitaKelp

• Liquid fertiliser application is ideal in summer use Vitax Enhance F.


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