17th Mar 2020
March 2020 Maintenance
Conditions for turf growth are improving rapidly now, but playing pressure is also increasing. Vital maintenance aims to maintain current turf integrity, begin recovery from winter damage and start the constructive spring programme. This is quite a task.
Aeration is still a key operation at this time of year to maintain drainage and aeration. Needle tines or slits are ideal as they gain the most with least turf damage.
Mowing height during January should be between 25mm and 45mm. Mowing frequency depends on ground conditions and presentation requirements.
The turf is now into growth mode, fertiliser is needed to support this and maintain health. Enhance 15+2+8+MgO+TE will provide immediate and slow release organic nutrients and aid microbial activity providing the ideal conditions for ryegrass swards. Maintain turf health with an application of SwardPhite on a twice monthly basis. Towards the end of March apply the first VitaSil to harden blades and encourage upright growth for a clean cut, and regulate water within the turf as transpiration increases. Further application of Seaturf or VitaKelp will aid enzyme activity in the turf and boost micro-organism activity in the organic layer helping to reduce debris build up.
Harrowing and raking will be of benefit this month to help to restore levels and keep the surface open aiding healthy turf growth. Avoid roller compaction in wet conditions with associated capping and possible black layer development.
Grooming and verticutting will reduce lateral growth and allow more air into the organic layer encouraging thatch degradation. Do not damage weak turf with excess verticutting.
Having problems with mud pick-up on your wheel to wheel transfer line marking machine? Now may be the ideal time to switch to a TXE 606/353 or TFS spray marker that is able to produce lines on uneven and muddy surfaces.
March summary:
- Mow height 25mm to 45mm
- Aeration with needle tines or slitting
- Top dress and harrow to restore levels
- Application of Endure WG Spring and Summer 16+4+8
- Application of Seaturf
- Seeding of sparse areas
- Application of SwardPhite to encourage rooting and healthy growth