12th Apr 2021

Why going organic outperforms traditional fertilisers for sustained, greener greens. ​

Traditionally fine turf nutrition came in two bags, Spring & Summer and Autumn and Winter. Spring & Summer ordained high Nitrogen levels, often supplied by Urea or Ammonium Nitrate, whilst both are relatively cheap sources of Nitrogen, they both have short release periods. The net results being fast lush growth which caused soft weak growth, difficulties for the mowers, susceptibility to disease or loss from the soil due to leaching or Volatization.

As with humans’, binge eating or drinking leads to possible health problems, supplying plant nutrition too readily at too high a rate can result in potential problems.

Fortunately, granular fertilisers have evolved, with the introduction of coated, phased release and organic based compounded products reducing nutritional losses and improving turf quality.

However, the story doesn’t end here. Even with fertilisers regularly quoting release periods from 8 to 12 weeks and in some cases between 16 to 20 weeks, the turf will still require some supplementary feeding during the growing season.

With this in mind Vitax Amenity have introduced two new products into their ever-expanding portfolio of Organic based and Fully Organic liquid fertilisers, which have both received the sought-after SOIL ASSOCIATION APPROVAL.

Vitax 6-2-4 Organic Sports Grass Liquid Fertiliser and Vitax 4-2-6 Organic Sports Grass Liquid Fertiliser.

While coming under the universal banners of Spring & Summer and Autumn and Winter, they are both designed as supplementary feeds to maintain plant nutrition throughout the year maintaining turf health and quality.

Being liquid foliar feeds, they have a two-fold effect, firstly feeding the plant directly through the vegetation, and secondly run off and overspray is available to the plant via the root system, while also improving soil microbial activity.

Why choose Organic Liquid feeds from Vitax Amenity?

• Feeding the plant directly through the foliage.

• Little or no danger of scorching.

• Reduced waste due to leaching.

• Balanced seasonal nutrition.

• Derived from ethically renewable Organic sources.

• Improved soil metabolic health.

• Promotes beneficial microbial activity.

• Compatible tank mixability with 50/50 Mint trace nutrient supplement.

• Encourages healthy Root and Shoot growth.

• Maintains all year-round turf quality.

• Inexpensive to use.

Application rates as low as 400ml / 1000m2.

For more information contact your distributor or click here to to find your nearest stockist.

Alternatively email info@vitax.co.uk


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