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Wetting Agents

Wetting Agents

16th April 2019

Wetting Agents are an important weapon in the Professional Greenskeepers arsenal, their importance is inestimable in the battle to maintain healthy vigorous sports turf vegetation.


However, following the extreme weather conditions experienced during the 2018 growing season the problems caused by Hydrophobic soils, Dry Patch and inability to supply the necessary moisture conditions needed to maintain natural turf sports surfaces has become evident to many professional and amateur grounds-man.


The use of wetting agents can be the perfect foil to hydration related problems and diseases. Facilitating the ability to rehydrate water repellent soils, encouraging omni-directional moisture movements through the soil profile and improved efficacy of chemicals and fertilisers.


With the ever-present risk of dryer and hotter turf growing seasons the use of wetting agents must be considered as part of a uniform water management programme.


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