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Enhance F Liquid Foliar Fertiliser

Holistic Liquid Foliar Fertilisers

Vitax Enhance F delivers a premium selection of liquid foliar fertilisers crafted to provide exceptional plant nutrition. These fertilisers feature a unique blend of Amino-Sorb® F (amino acids) and carefully selected enhanced trace elements. This concentrated, homogeneous formula ensures efficient nutrient absorption and promotes optimal turf health, resulting in vibrant and resilient growth.

Key Features

  • Targeted Formulations: Tailored blends for Spring & Summer, Autumn & Winter, and Enhance Prime (zero-phosphate option).
  • Enhanced Nutrition: Combines conventional fertilisers with organic content for consistent nutrient availability.
  • Versatile Application: Suitable for both foliar and root feeding.
  • Environmental Efficiency: Reduced application rates and minimal runoff.

Key Benefits

  • Strengthens leaf blades for improved wear resistance, compact growth, and vibrant colour.
  • Prevents nutrient fluctuations by creating a nutrient reserve between applications.
  • Encourages deep, robust rooting for stress and disease resilience.
  • Reduces striping and discolouration common with granular fertilisers.
  • Improves fertilisation efficiency, saving costs and reducing handling.
  • Supports better seed germination in repaired and re-seeded areas.
  • Boosts fungicide efficacy and complements plant growth regulator usage.
  • Generous zinc and iron levels promote wear resistance and stress tolerance.
  • Reduces packaging waste, transportation needs, and overall environmental impact.

Why Choose Enhance F?

Vitax Enhance F stands out for its cost efficiency, delivering superior results with 25% lower application rates compared to standard practices. It ensures targeted nutrient delivery by providing low phosphate levels to meet immediate plant needs without encouraging Poa annua growth. The comprehensive nutrition it offers complements other turf management solutions, such as Enhance R. Additionally, the product is designed for sustainability, minimizing environmental impact through reduced waste and runoff. The formulation allows it to be tank-mixed as part of an integrated turf care program.

Formulation Analysis

Spring and Summer

12:1.5:6 + Trace Elements + Amino-Sorb® F

Autumn and Winter

4:1.5:12 + Trace Elements + Amino-Sorb® F

Enhance Prime

5:0:10 + Amino-Sorb® F

Key Nutrient Insights

  • Amino-Sorb® F: Promotes greater root length and mass for improved water and nutrient uptake.
  • Trace Elements: High zinc and iron content strengthen turf for superior wear resistance and stress management.

Application Guidelines


  • Foliar Feeding: Apply weekly or as needed from March to August.
  • Root Feeding: Suitable for fine and outfield turf year-round.


  • Foliar Application: Use 2 litres per 60–100 litres of water per 1,000 m². Avoid irrigation for 24 hours post-application to ensure uptake.
  • Root Zone Application: Use 5–15 litres per 60–100 litres of water per 1,000 m².

Application Rate

  • Adjust rates based on turf condition and seasonal requirements to achieve optimal results.

Pack Sizes: 10 litres

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