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Turf Colour Restorer
What is it
Emulsion based concentrated turf colour restorer
Product Characteristics
Flowable emulsion turf colourant liquid with strong colour performance on dilution.
Typical Physical Properties
Weight per litre = 1.1kg
Viscosity = Low
For use on
Turf & Sand
Recommend Dilution Rates
One part Greenit to 19 parts water. Further dilution may be necessary to colour match.
What ingredients are used in the formulation
Proprietary blend of inorganic pigment dispersion with binder resins for adhesion of the product to the applied surface.
Recommend for use with Supaturf's
TXE - 505 & 252
Easymix Contractor & Club
Briteliner - Transfer Wheel Marker
Topline 2000
Topline 15L Pressure Spray Markers
Drying Time (Dependent on air movement, humidity, dampness of substrate when applied)
Warm 20°C and above = 3-5 minutes
Cool 10°C to 20°C = 5-15 minutes
Cool 1°C to 10°C = 15-60 minutes
Scrub Resistance
Good once dry (field observation)
Good once dry (field observation)